We just recently made some shirts for local all-girl gothy-harmonizing electro group Feathers, right before they played psych fest. Looks like the show was GREAT!

This mother was BIG.  big, huge print. totally dominated the shirt, and looked pretty fine while doing so.

Give them gals a listen, they’re good.


Some things

Updates from the shop Spring 2012


trans upper egypt record sleeve for monofonus press.


these folks are from italy. neato.

We’re busy this month for SXSW. More and more and more to print. No time for fun ’till we’re done. Which reminds us, if you have a job you want done before the festival, Vesper says:


Also, a rash of SXSW related work…just a sampling.

Super Secret Records showcase at Beerland.

Tasty, tasty gold ink for yard dog’s poster.

And a four-color print we did for the Ampersand Agency. of course, the whole time we were printing this, we craved bloody marys.

In lieu of cake

Bearded Lady is turning 10.


Won’t you come to our birthday party?


We won’t have cake, but, you might just be able to grab this tasty little rainbow sherbet of a poster to brighten your abode.


El Jefe, Chris Bilheimer, designed the tasty concoction, and we printed it up just a couple days ago. Fresh and delicious!! Come to see music (Reaganometry, Dykes of Holland and Total Unicorn), drink beer, and in case you’re hungry, we’ll have grilled dogs and veg burgers on offer for cheap.

Saturday, February 18th, 2-8pm. Be There.