Category Archives: Update
Workshop Season for Hoarsefly
Closing show and more
New Year, New Things
December and Bearded Lady General
Shop progress
We’ve been working on our space this summer getting ready for a busy fall, full of shows and workshops.
The new build out will help us facilitate our workshops and to house our new etching press. If you haven’t stopped by and seen it yourself, here are a few sneak peeks of the new workspace and gallery wall in progress:

Big thanks to Lance McMahan for helping out with the build.
Back in Action
Josh and Abi spent two weeks state-hopping, equipment-buying, and junk-hunting.
“Since we don’t get away too often, trips of any kind are sweet. This one was also epic. The kind that tends to set the memories clearly into your brain, to be remembered without haziness. Sometimes that’s because you’ve just had your mind blown by the New Hampshire view at 52,000 feet, and sometimes it’s because you’re precariously balancing in a full to brim, sweltering porta-potty at the end of Memorial Day weekend in a poison ivy farm campground in Kentucky. Either way.” – Abi

Flying over the Atlantic towards Boston

Camping in Kentucky
Dash mascot, team-player
Slow down for a bit
We’re taking some time to clean up the shop and make some modifications to our space. In the meantime, here are a few udpates.
We recently collaborated with artist Will Gaynor on a print for his upcoming show “Walking Down the Road Feeling Really Fucking Bad.” Check it out at Yellow Jacket social club for the month of May.
Prints will be available at the show or in our shop.
Stay tuned to the Facebook page for a date for the closing of Lance’s show in June. We’ll be taking a break from art programming this summer to focus on making some new artwork for the shop, but will have some news about what’s going on along the way.
This month, we’re taking it easy at the shop. Josh and Abi are heading out for some much needed rest and relaxation and we’re booked up for production while they are gone. While there will be some weekend shop hours, we’ll be CLOSED on the weekends until June.
Thanks for understanding, we’ll see you in the summer.
South By Bye-Bye
We’re back in the shop and working to catch up from the fun we had last week. Here’s a little recap with some pictures for your eyeballs.
Stay tuned for some rad announcements for April’s programming and sign up to our newsletter to be first in line for news.

Flatstock was a bunch of fun and of course, there were so many rad posters to look at. Overwhelming, sort of. We perused the booths and saw some good friends.
Local artist Kevin Munoz pictured above working on a pair of Converse. A great time was had by all and we look forward to hanging with this group again.

Abi and Mason worked for Converse during the fest, customizing Chucks at the Fader Fort with some other locals. Here’s a Manik Raj Nakra shoe above.
The rain didn’t stop people from coming out and having a good time. It actually brought out the true party people. Here’s a view from the Fader Fort.

Abi and Denton Watts celebrating the final day of work with a cold Budweiser. Also, free beer and spray paint fumes all day long!
Also, here’s pic by Amanda Dishner of Spray Paint in action. Cory and his band are out on tour this month and are heading to Japan and Australia later this year.
Photo recap and more
We had an awesome time Saturday night during the opening for Chris Bilheimer’s polaroid show, This is Starting to Fade. The show looks fantastic and some great folks came out. If you missed it, you can still stop by the shop during retails hours after SXSW. We’ll be posting some images on our Facebook page, so go there to see more photos.
Read an article on the event on Austin Chronicle
We are now in full on Spring Break mode. Time to tidy the shop and get out of here for a few days to have some fun and see some friendly faces that are in town for SXSW. If you’re wanting to stop by the shop during this week and take a look at the Polaroid show, we’ll be open for abbreviated hours 11-2 Wednesday and Thursday.
Feel free to give us a call, we may be able to accommodate an appointment.

We’re excited to check out Flatstock.
It’s a huge source of inspiration every year. We’re stoked to get to say hi to some of our favorite people from Chicago – Jay Ryan of Bird Machine and Ryan Duggan of Drug Factory Press are amazing, prolific artists, and all around rad human beings. Local buddies Mishka Westell, Bobby Dixon from KLCTV Fusion, and Geoff, Erick, and Lauren from Decoder Ring are positive forces of awesome design and not to be missed. Go check them out!

Another source of visual goodness going on right now is a show at Preacher Austin (8th and Colorado). Aaron Michalovic, Rich Cali, Adam Young, Joe Swec, Sophie Roach and several other total badasses have pieces up there currently as part of a group show put together with the help of Working Not Working.